Portland Investigation
This past weekend, Steven and I had our first paranormal investigation since the onslaught of the COVID-19 virus. It has been over six months since our last investigation, and I must admit that I was a bit rusty when we started; however, I jumped right back into it.
The location of our investigation was in a 104-year-old house in Portland, Oregon. As the neighborhood has changed, so have the occupants of the home. For some years now, those that occupy the house have been different entrepreneurs running businesses out of the building.
To protect the privacy of the location, we will not provide the exact location of the house. However, we wanted to let you all know that Shadow Keepers is alive and well. I will say it was weird for Steven and me to wear masks during the entire investigation. We are living in a new reality. The coronavirus seems to dictate our lives, except that it will not, and should not, prevent the paranormal community from doing what we do best.
Stay safe, everyone.