The Return
All was well with Shadow Keepers, then COVID-19 struck with vengeance. The world was turned upside down, and all our lives were changed forever. Besides the obvious negative effects of the pandemic, the paranormal community was hit hard as well. Access to purported haunted locations was limited or prevented. The reports of paranormal activity took a backseat to the destruction and focus we all faced in our daily lives, and to some extent, even still does today.
Without going into too many details, Steven and I were both affected in unfortunate ways since COVID-19 reared its ugly head. We both lost our mothers, and life threw obstacles at us, as it does to all humans.
To be honestly transparant, we are now a bit rusty at investigating the paranormal. During the pandemic, we managed to do one investigation with the requirements that we wore masks. It just wasn’t the same. My excitement and focus were clouded by the stress of our new reality. Also, let us not forget the social unrest, the polarization of political beliefs, the housing crisis, and the ripple effects caused by the war in Ukraine.
I truly love my job at a mental health agency, but lately I have noticed a void in my life. Something was seriously missing. I finally realized what it was, being active in my interest and love for paranormal investigating.
The ideas and determination have finally returned. I’m back, we’re back, and I am confident the best is yet to come.